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  At this level, students acquire specific knowledge in various subjects and technology skills. Sport is an essential piece in its development, in addition, Artistic Expression, Musical Initiation and other disciplines that complement the integral formation of the British School primary student.


  1. Independent subjects are taught.

  2. Academic achievement and knowledge are supported.

  3. Motivation is extrinsic (grades, tests, homework).

  4. There is movement and expression control.

  5. Emphasis is placed on the development of reasoning and memory.

-Complementary Programs

  • French language

  • Computing

  • Art

  • Dance

  • Sports Activation

  • Yoga

  • Water activities

  • Taekwondo


-Special programs

  • Family Cultural Visit

  • I am a reader

  • School for parents

  • Marching band

  • Soccer tournament

 En Primaria 



  En esta área de la formación de nuestros alumnos, los estudiantes plasman su expresión personal con la habilidad y destreza que van adquiriendo al realizar trabajos en que utilizan principalmente las manos.


Educación Física y Deportes 

   Esta parte del desarrollo humano es atendida dentro del horario escolar practicando disciplinas como Tae Kwon Do, Activación Deportiva y fuera del horario escolar como el Torneo “Británico" de Futbol.



 - La Biblioteca "Alina Mireya Martínez Carrillo" anima a los niños a convertirse en lectores.   - El Programa "Soy Lector" celebra a los estudiantes por cada libro que leen.

  - El acervo cuenta con material para los tres niveles de Primaria

Extensión de Horario.


  En  Horario Extendido los alumnos permanecen después de clases en la escuela. Comen, hacen la tarea y juegan hasta las 5:30 pm, hora en que son recogidos por sus padres.



  Las personas que se desempeñan en esta área, han recibido entrenamiento en Primeros Auxilios y Enfermería Comunitaria.


Transporte Escolar

 El Transporte Escolar es una alternativa, hasta ahora completamente voluntaria, que busca ayudar a disminuir la contaminación y el tráfico en nuestra ciudad.


School hours         07:15  - 3:00 p.m.

Extended schedule      15:00 - 18:00 h.

Reloj de bolsillo en la mano
Image by Luckas spalinger

Hours Extension




     To meet the needs of parents and students, there are activities after school hours, which are educational and recreational.

     This program includes:

  • Lunch service.

  • Directed Tasks.

  • Recreational activities and organized games.



  • Two recent child-size photographs (black and white or color)

  • Copy of the Birth Certificate,

  • CURP copy, 150% enlarged

  • Last report of recent evaluation of the school grade that the minor attends.

  • Letter of Good Conduct.

  • No Debt Letter.

  • Medical certificate

Payment of the right to the Admission Exam:

The fee for the right to the Admission Exam is $ 300.00 (Three Hundred Pesos), which must be paid in cash at the College Cashier, at the time of delivery of the requested documents, at that time you will be asked to fill out the registration form corresponding and you will be informed of the date and time of application and delivery of results.

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